Why I'm Taking a Year Off to Travel

On this historic day for the world, it's also a big day for me personally. I'm leaving the country today for my first ever year-ish long solo backpacking trip through Southeast Asia, Africa and wherever the adventures take me.

I've been asked a lot recently what has motivated me to take this trip and why I'm going. While I've mostly articulated a few logical and "rational" reasons, that's only a small part of the truth. The biggest driver for this trip is that I'm following my intuition and listening to the subtle voice and feeling that's telling me it's time.

If i've learned anything this year, it's to deeply trust my intuition/ gut feelings. They're never wrong -- it's the analysis of that intuition that can lead us astray. That analysis is normally based in fear. and thus the hard part has been separating the fears and intuitions. But doing work there has led to magic. equally important has been truly trusting that the next step will reveal itself once I start aligning my behaviors w the gut feelings. A quote that captures this essence that I've revisited so many times these last few months: "life is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights shine, but you can make the whole journey that way."

My tank is full. And my heart is filled w so much gratitude and love for all the awe-inspiring experiences and people that have been a part of my journey and nurtured me to this moment now. Thank you. Here's to a year of following more intuitions and so much more. First stop: Myanmar! 🙏🏻 💚
